How It Works
B4SH is different. We are a not-for-profit organisation bringing a new, independent fibre network to the Surrey Hills. Fast, reliable and with excellent customer service.
We don’t use the existing copper network. Our network is all fibre, ie fibre to the home (FTTH) and all buried. You can influence whether we bring the network to your area, but we will extend the network “domino style” by going from one adjacent area to the next.
We are also run by volunteers – including our directors.
We rely on free wayleaves (permission to dig) across soft land land ie we generally approach properties from the rear.
We bring the technology but ask volunteers/property owners to dig across their own gardens to their property wall.
We are funded by community investors buying redeemable shares. There can be no shareholder dividends and any surplus must be re-invested in community projects. Anyone purchasing shares becomes a member of B4SH and is entitled to vote at general meetings.
We are also registered with the government’s Gigabit Voucher Scheme, which helps us fund our rollout in rural areas.
We have modelled ourselves on the highly successful Broadband for the Rural North (B4RN).
Using their model, we have made great progress, receiving an ever increasing amount of interest and investment from Surrey Hills residents. B4SH will extend the network based on areas “pulling” us towards them. Do please get in touch if you would like us to bring the network to your area. We rely on volunteer effort in the community to help us; we’re a team and cannot do it without you.
We are a company owned by the people, for the people. A truly ethical company that supports the local community.